Yoga Blog

Yin Yoga and the Seasons: Winter Part I


“The highest good is like water. Water is good at benefiting the ten thousand things, and yet does not contend with them. It dwells in places the multitudes detest, therefore, it is close to the tao.” 

~ Tao Te Ching

The Yin Winter Series has begun!


According to traditional Chinese medicine, this season spans from November 15 to January 24. Both Autumn and Winter embody yin qualities, while Spring and Summer represent yang. It is said that Yin and Yang energies exist in all of us. We can look to the season’s wisdoms to help restore balanceWinter’s element is water, the elixir or life; nourishing, storing energy, and yet easily depleted at this time. Winter is a time for reflection and internal work, such as journaling and meditation. Let go of expectations and fears, and rest in the wisdom of water. Trust that light will return and welcome spring’s energy with joy.


In our first class of this series on January 7th, I introduced a Mudra (gesture) which can be used in your Winter meditation practice, or anytime you want to connect with water essence. Mudras are hand gestures that enhance the flow of energy, Prana in the yoga tradition, or Qi in Chinese medicine. They can also enhance intentions and promote healing.

This is Jala Mudra, it’s also called Varuna Mudra. Jala means water. In some ancient texts, Varuna is the God of oceans and waters, as well as rain.

Jala Mudra

  • Bring the tip of your thumb and the tip of the little finger together.

  • If this is uncomfortable, choose the alternate version resting right hand in the left. The right thumb will rest on the little finger. The left thumb rests on the right thumb to hold the Mudra comfortably.

  • Suggested intentions to repeat silently or out loud: ‘I flow through life with ease, I go with the flow.’ Create some of your own, find what has meaning for you.