Yoga Blog

Yin Yoga and the Seasons: Spring Part I

“Grow tall, stay limber, reach for the sun like bamboo rooted when the winds blow.” 

~ Unknown

Spring is a season of renewal and growth. It’s associated with the wood element in Chinese medicine, and in the Ayurvedic system, Kapha season, earth and water.

Now is the time to expand your creativity and find clarity. As the days get longer and the temperature gets warmer, we can shake off any feelings of stagnation and heaviness from winter and embrace a sense of lightness and optimism. Take a cue from nature and wear brighter colors for a spring in your step.

Stagnation in the liver and gallbladder (the organs of spring) energy can make us feel stuck, leading to issues with emotions, menstrual cycles, eyes, and tendons. Lighten up your lifestyle by moving more, eating fresh seasonal produce, and releasing emotional baggage.

In our first 2 classes in the spring series we incorporated yin poses for the hip joints. Below, you’ll see where the liver and gallbladder meridian lines are located and two of the many poses that support qi for these organs. Remember the Three Tattvas (principle natures) of Yin: 1. Come into a pose to the appropriate depth 2. Remain in stillness 3. Stay for a while. Agitation can rise, so use your practice to soothe reactivity, choosing your inner wisdom to respond. Use the acupressure points below either pressing or tapping. Notice if one side is more tender and stay with the tender spot to smooth frustration and see the road ahead!

Check back next week for more!